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My name is Pablo Alejandro Jesús Lladós I am a simple, spiritual person, I love wild nature, lakes, forests and mountains, more than a year ago I had a faint due to red blood cells, I went to the hospital and they detected a tumor in my kidney Left, the tumor covered my entire kidney, an operation would cost me approximately $ 3,200 on that date, and it could also go wrong, so I decided not to do it and enjoy the time I had left of life. Then the quarantine came, I gained weight, which hurts me, and seven months later they allow outdoor activities, I decided to buy a bicycle, I thought they cost $ 25,000 Argentines, which is a lot, at least for me it is a lot and it would be in fees, but today it costs from $ 75,000 to $ 100,000 Argentineans or 840 euros. I can only say that this turned into a dream that I hope will come true. My interest in enjoying Life increased, I want to travel the world by bicycle so I have made some digital works in exchange for a donation:

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